FIXAR 007 Mountainous terrain LiDAR scanning
Large-scale LiDAR mapping of mountains using Topodrone Lidar in just half an hour
The missions aimed to execute multiple flights with laser scanning integration, collect data, and evaluate data quality and area coverage with each laser scanner.
The initial LIDAR survey mission was prepared within several minutes over the test site directly in the field, considering the terrain level on FIXAR mission planning software xGroundControl.
To find the system's limits, additional larger area flights above powerlines, forests, and construction areas were conducted carrying two types of TOPODRONE LIDAR systems – AVIA and ULTRA.
The following days FIXAR 007 with LIDAR ULTRA on board successfully covered 617 acres (2.5 km2) per flight with 330 ft (100 m) distance between flight lines (71% overlapping) from 330 ft (100 m) altitude. As soon as the distance between routs was doubled to 660 ft (200 m) (43% overlapping), it became possible to achieve even higher efficiency results covering 988 acres (4 km2) per flight by high precision and detailed LIDAR pointing in just a little over half an hour.
Meantime, the price-wise more affordable setup of LiDAR AVIA together with FIXAR 007 provided efficient results as well. This setup captured LiDAR data for 469 acres (1.9 km2) in one flight at 330 ft (100 m) altitude.